I hope everyone has a nice holiday with time for family and friends.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday with time for family and friends.
I donated a house portrait to our neighborhood silent auction. The couple who bought it have a lovely old bungalow. Here is the portrait I created for them in watercolor and ink. The pink on the driveway has some sparkle in it!
Here is a happy customer who bought one of my hibiscus paintings. She wore a matching shirt for the photograph. Paintings make a wonderful gift. See my work at annmccann.net or email me at alouisemccann@gmail.com.
The above images are (left to right) Salado TX, Big Bend TX, Monet's Garden in Provence, and city park in Seville, Spain. I have many other travel paintings. Click on the images above and then look at all the options at my website. You can travel without leaving your home!
A dear friend from grade school (junior high?) will be getting this painting for Christmas. I love to have my paintings on the walls of friends. She is from Michigan and can relate well to a snowy winter.
This is a scene from Big Bend State Park which is right near the National Park. The road follows the Rio Grande for miles and miles, and the views are spectacular. These lovely white flowers were blooming where we were there in December, along with road runners, javelinas, etc.
"Oleander Park" 16 X 20 Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas. This is my favorite painting from Seville, with palm trees and beautiful oleander trees. It is still available for purchase. Contact me at alouisemccann@gmail.com. This would make a wonderful holiday present!
I painted this with a client in mind, one who likes poppies. He bought it, and now the poppies have a good home. I love how the red poppies vibrate against the turquoise sky. They almost jump off the canvas.
I was asked to paint this commission, a sunset on Lake Michigan with a freighter in the distance. This is a view from my clients' porch. The final painting is a composite of three different photographs. I had to do some research on freighters so I could understand the anatomy of these ships and define what I was seeing. Yes, that is smoke or steam coming off of it. It was fun working with all these beautiful colors.
This is the biggest painting I have painted to date, and I really like how much "space" there is in it. It feels like a giant, deep forest which is what I was going for. It is now on display at the Dutch Art Gallery in their fall 2017 show. It was the first painting sold for this show! It is a happy painting, and I hope it brings happiness to the buyer.
I have been wanting to paint this image for a while now. I spent last Sunday creating it. Love the pink poppies! Since the Dutch Art Gallery just sold my "Plein Air Poppies," the owner asked me to paint some more for the gallery!
Come and see my painting at this great show!
My husband and I took a color tour to Connecticut and Massachusetts in October. I did a lot of watercolor sketches in preparation for creating some oil paintings. We visited a forest owned by Yale University that was way "off the grid." We didn't see any other cars while we were there. This was a lovely stream surrounded by fall color.