“Ramblin Rose” 9 X 12” Oil. This is an old store in downtown Glen Rose, Texas.
“Gold on the Harbor” 9 X 12” Oil. This is a scene from a cottage we stayed at in Wellfleet, MA.
“Ramblin Rose” 9 X 12” Oil. This is an old store in downtown Glen Rose, Texas.
“Gold on the Harbor” 9 X 12” Oil. This is a scene from a cottage we stayed at in Wellfleet, MA.
My finished painting is above. The initial study I did is below. !I like them both though they feel different.
When it is 104 degrees outside, painting watercolor flowers is the way to spend the day!
My three week vacation in New England is over, and so is the cool weather we enjoyed there. Now we are back to the blazing heat in Dallas. The field next to our house in Connecticut is filled with wild flowers, Queen Anne’s Lace being one of them. I decided to heighten the intensity of the colors!
This was the wonderful garden at our Cape Cod rental house. Besides the daylilies, which are everywhere in New England now, there was a lace cap hydrangea in the left corner. Rabbits visited every day.
I haven’t posted much as I have been on vacation at our house in Connecticut and in a rental at Cape Cod. I haven’t missed being in Dallas as it is over 100 degrees every day! Here it is in the 60s at night and 70s or 80s during the day. The scene above was right after a light rain on the Cape in the backyard of our rental house. It had a gorgeous garden, lilacs, lilies, roses and more.
The peonies are blooming in Connecticut!
A friend of mine can actually grow peonies in Dallas, Texas. This was her anniversary bouquet.
Who doesn’t love a vase of roses picked fresh from the garden! Here they are in a silver sugar bowl catching the light from the open window.
I had a gorgeous bush of hot pink peonies in Michigan. It flourished without any intervention by me. And it smelled so wonderful.
It was so much fun painting this tablecloth in the field of flowers!
A field of yellow Prairie Coneflowers, orange Firewheels and lilac Blanket Flowers at Connemara Nature Preserve.
I painted with a group of artists at the Connemara Nature Preserve in Allen, TX. The fields were alive with wildflowers and birds. Really a gorgeous place.
ADVENTURE AHEAD | Travel Journal
OPENING RECEPTION Saturday, May 21st 11am-5pm | Awards at 2pm
First 25 customers through the door for the juried show reception, starting at 11am on Saturday, May 21st, get a Goodie Bag that contains an original art piece by one of our show artists.*
Adventures can happen anywhere from across the globe to right outside your front door. All it takes is to open your eyes and see the wonder in the world around you. Join us on an adventure as the artists take you from Texas to Timbuktu and back again and see the world through their eyes.
Please join us Saturday, May 21st for the official show opening from 11am to 5pm. Awards presentation at 2pm. Visit our website for a sneak peek at all the wonderful artwork. We've also included a few pieces below. Pre-show sales are being accepted, so get your favorites now before they're gone.
Show Runs May 21 through June 17, 2022
*Show artists and their family not eligible for Goodie Bag.