Here is my painting now on display at the Dutch Art Gallery spring show. The theme was the "Sound of Color" and I chose the song "Magic Garden" by the Fifth Dimension. I know, it dates me! I love the little poem they have at the end- "It's so soft and warm behind those hedges, no hard edges, no hard edges."
"Mountain Path" 16 X 20 Oil (c)Ann McCann 2018
"Mountain Path" by Ann McCann 16 X 20 Oil
This mountain path is above the Jerusalem poppy field I featured earlier. It was twilight and the light was golden. The three fir trees were giant sentinels against the glowing sky. The lights were just coming on in the distant town.
"Purple Vine Patio" 20 X 20 Oil(c) Ann McCann
"Purple Vine Patio" by Ann McCann 20 X 20 Oil
I was walking down Betzalel Street in Jerusalem on the way to my daughter's apartment and looked into this patio. I loved the beautiful blue-purple vine and snapped a photo. I did a watercolor sketch immediately and just finished this oil painting. It really says "welcome." I still don't know what the vine is but it was blooming all over the city.
"Swiss Ave House Portrait" by Ann McCann 8 X 10 Watercolor
I just finished a house portrait commission for a client. What a gorgeous house to paint! This is mostly about drawing, about 4 hours of it, especially when it is on such a small piece of paper. Shall I do yours? They make nice gifts too.
"Ellah Valley" by Ann McCann 16 X 20 Oil
I did a watercolor sketch of this when I was in Israel and now I have captured it in oil. This is what the "holy land" looks like in the countryside. On top of the mountain on the right is a field of waist high blue lupines (cousin to blue bonnets) and in front of it a field of red poppies (which I also painted!).
SOLD- 8 X 10 Poppy Paintings at the Dutch Art Gallery by Ann McCann
The day after I featured these paintings on my blog, they sold. I was thrilled. Someone bought both and in the frames that you see here. I guess they like fancy and plain!
"Color Tour" by Ann McCann 20 X 20 Oil
I was playing with fall color here. This is my mother-in-laws backyard, bordering on a woods. The shadows of these trees are so striking and dominant at certain times a day.
Poppy Paintings by Ann McCann at the Dutch Art Gallery
I have two red poppy paintings for sale at the Dutch Art Gallery. They are featured with two different type of frames, one simple and one very ornate. Which do you like better?
Art & Life Interview with Ann McCann in VoyageDallas
See my interview in Voyagedallas at
Ann McCann at the Dutch Art Gallery this Saturday, May 19, 2018
I have a large painting (for me!) in this peer-reviewed show. Please come to the viewing and party this Saturday.
"Biblical Poppies" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil
This is the field of red poppies that we visited in Israel. It was just before dusk, and the golden light was beautiful. I did a watercolor there and completed the oil painting in my studio. As I mentioned before, this overlooks Ellah Valley where David is said to have killed Goliath.
My Palette by Ann McCann
I thought I would take a photo of my palette. I have been using it for several paintings so there are lots of colors. There is an organization to this as I always set my colors out in a particular order- yellow, orange, red, purple, blue and greens. Working on my yellow roses now.
"Lady Banks in the Magic Garden" by Ann McCann at the Dutch Art Gallery
Come to the art opening on May 19, 2018 and enjoy the art, music, food and wine!
"Cape Cod Roses" by Ann McCann 18 X 24 Oil
I think this might be my favorite painting ever. Roses, sunshine, lovely old homes and sea breezes- what else could you ask for? This painting is now on display at the Southwestern Medical School but is available for purchase.