We just got back from a week in Wellfleet, Cape Cod, MA. The hydrangeas were beautiful and everywhere. We even had a bouquet waiting for us in our rental house. Above you see the bouquet and then the watercolor I painted in my sketchbook. More hydrangeas to come......
"Hibiscus Fireworks" by Ann McCann 8 X 8 Oil on Linen Panel (c) 2017
SOLD- Hibiscus Fireworks by Ann McCann 8 X 8 Oil
This was purchased by my sister's dear childhood friend. I love that I can share my paintings with old friends who have moved far away. Looks like I will have to paint another 8X8 for the Biblical Arts Auction this fall!
Hibiscus Fireworks by Ann McCann 8 X 8 Oil
Here are some "fireworks" for your Fourth of July, two mini hibiscus in red and orange on blue. They were a present from my hairdresser's garden. I get to take them home after I get my hair done! I may donate this to the Biblical Arts Museum 8 X 8 Art Auction unless someone has to have it.
"Field of Bluebonnets" by Ann McCann 16 X 20 Oil on canvas (c) 2017
Memories of Spring in Texas by Ann McCann
Spring in Texas is about wildflowers, especially bluebonnets. Lady Bird Johnson is responsible for the planting of wildflowers along all our highways and that spring bloom makes driving a delight. In the Texas Hill Country there are field after field of bluebonnets. In small plantings, the scent of bluebonnets is not noticeable. However, the smell of the large fields is quite heavenly. Families plop their children down in the fields and take their holiday card photos. We have a photo of our daughter and my husband in one such field that we treasure.
"Salado Swimmin Hole" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil (c)2017
"Salado Swimmin Hole" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil
I posted the watercolor of this scene two weeks ago after our trip to Salado, Texas. I had to do an oil painting of it. This is where the town comes to cool off on hot days which we have many of here in Texas. It is more of a wading experience unless you sit down in it. It is a very pretty spot!
My Pear Trees by Ann McCann 18 X 24 oil (c)2017
Wonderful Painting Accidents by Ann McCann
When you paint with oils, you sometimes have wonderful "accidents." In painting my favorite pear trees, I first applied a purple transparent layer (glaze) in some areas. It smeared around a bit and started to spread. I liked how it looked so I continued applying transparent layers of different purples hues over the whole tree area. Then I applied the various whites and pastels, pink and yellow, on top of it. Voila! My best "white" painting ever. It is usually hard to make an interesting white painting, but this somewhat painted itself.
"Favorite Chair by the River" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil (c) 2017
How Do You Capture a Moment in Time? by Ann McCann
When you have been somewhere that was especially lovely or had a really good time there, it shows in your painting. That is certainly true when you paint plein air on site, but that is also true when painting from a photo that you took there. You remember all the things that can't be captured in a photo- light, colors, etc. The fact that you felt good there affects the painting too. I can't explain it, but it is all true.
We spent Memorial weekend with friends at an inn on this river in Salado and spent a lot of time in these chairs. Mat and Kathy, this is for you!
Gothic Sky (Sevilla) by Ann McCann 9 X 12 oil on linen panel (c)2017
How Do You Make a Memory?
When you spend several hours or more making a painting, the visual picture stays in your mind forever. It is a visual that is hard to turn off. When you lie in your bed at night, you keep painting it mentally. When we were in Sevilla last May (2016), we spent a lot of time on the roof top of our hotel, breakfast there in the morning, drinks and sunset watching in the evenings. We also had a painting session there where I created the above painting of the skyline. I loved all the Gothic cathedral towers and spiky ironwork. The light was beautiful, so I made the colorful sky. Now I will always remember it.
"White Lilies" by Ann McCann 5 X 7 Oil
I am working on my lilies. They are not an easy flower. My mother really liked day lilies and had a large patch that she tended in her garden. Lilies remind me of her.
"Ole Swimmin Hole" by Ann McCann Watercolor Sketch
We spent Memorial weekend in Salado, Texas, in an inn (old Victorian house) on a creek. We spent a lot of lazy time sitting in chairs overlooking the river. This was the swimming hole for the city. I did some sketching while drinking my wine. Lovely place with a great restaurant next door. Below is a photo of the same view.
SOLD- "Iris Glow" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil
A client bought this the day after I posted it. He said it reminded him of Van Gogh's iris painting. I will take that compliment!
"White Flower Canyon" by Ann McCann 20 X 24 Oil (c) 2017
What is it like to be selected for an art show? by Ann McCann
Just because you enter an art show, doesn't mean you will get in. They are usually peer reviewed by other artists, so to be selected is pretty awesome. My painting (on the bottom of the easel) was selected for the Dutch Art 2017 Gallery Spring Show with the theme Call of the Wild. The opening reception was last Saturday, May 20, 2017. I knew the competition was tough as the art at the show was really good. The show will stay open for several months. Try to see it!
"The Iris Glow" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil
My neighbor across the street has a bed of violet irises that glow every morning and evening for about a month. In this painting, I tried to captured how they glow in the sun against the dark shadows behind them. I have enjoyed them, Lisa!
"Queen Anne with Butterflies & Bugs" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil (c)2017
SOLD- "Queen Anne with Butterflies & Bugs" by Ann McCann 9 X 12 Oil
A dear friend commissioned me to create a smaller version of one of my paintings. So, here it is, a field of Queen Anne's Lace on the harbor in Orleans, MA. This one is unique as it has several butterflies and flying insects on the flowers, as it actually did in the field.