I do love that winter sky. Although I just painted what I saw, it does looks like Van Gogh was inspiring me.
Winter Sky (c)Ann McCann 2015
Winter Sky (c)Ann McCann 2015
I do love that winter sky. Although I just painted what I saw, it does looks like Van Gogh was inspiring me.
White & Pink Roses (c)Ann McCann 2015
Today I tackled a white rose as well as a drooping pink one. I may add a leaf or two in the upper right hand corner. I liked the droopy rose the best!
I like this rose because it had so much depth to it, with many layers, like a piece of sculpture. It challenged me quite a bit, but I kept going. I think the struggle made it better and more 3 dimensional.
Winter's Bones III (c)Ann McCann 2015
Here is another painting from a walk around White Rock Lake over the December holidays. The stark contrast of the tree skeletons against the beautiful winter sky really attracted me.
Day 9 Roses "Bold and Shy" (c)Ann McCann 2015
Here I have painted a "bold and "shy" rose, one fully open and one from the side. The "full on" view is more challenging. But, I really like the juxtaposition of the two. Which one do you like better?
Winter's Bones II (c)Ann McCann 2015
This is another painting from the beautiful winter day last December when we took a walk around White Rock Lake . It was in the 70s, and many other Dallasites were doing the same thing. Bare trees against a glorious sky...................................
Here are some more pretty loosely painted roses, more detail than yesterday's reds but less then earlier mauve ones. For some reason, I like the smaller one better.
For Day 6, I decided to paint a truly red rose in a very loose way. I really like the looseness as well as the kick of the complementary colors of orange and blue.
Still working on my roses. This painting features a full blown rose as well as 2 buds. You can almost smell this rose. I really like this one!
Winter's Bones I (c)Ann McCann 2016
In addition to my rose theme for this 30 day challenge, I have a "Winter's Bones" theme. Here is the first one. This is a winter day on White Rock Lake in Dallas. It was warm but definitely winter, with the tree leaves gone. The late afternoon sky was spectacular.
Day 3 Rose (c)Ann McCann 2015
I am still continuing with my rose theme. Here is my third rose. It is called "Valentine" and is more of a mauve color than red. it just keeps blooming in my yard. I hope we don't have a freeze in the next 26 days!
Day 2 Red Rose (c)Ann McCann 2015
Continuing with my goal of painting the "perfect" rose, here is another red rose from my garden. I do like it better than day 1!
Since I find roses a a difficult subject to paint, I decided to paint them repeatedly for this January 2016 30 Day Challenge. Here is my first one. It is a palette knife painting. The rose was still blooming in my yard here in Dallas.
White Rose of Sharon 9 X 12 Oil $175 (c)Ann McCann 2015
I will again participate in the January 30 Day Painting Challenge. I will start posting new daily paintings on January 1. I will be painting roses and winter scenes. Stay tuned! All will be available for purchase.